Results for 'Sergej S. Demidov'

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  1.  30
    Les relations mathématiques franco-russes entre les deux guerres mondiales.Sergej S. Demidov - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (1):119-142.
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    Zum Gedenken an Adol'f Pavlovich Jushkevich.Sergej Sergeevich Demidov & Annette Vogt - 1994 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 2 (1):250-252.
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    On an early history of the moscow school of theory of functions.S. S. Demidov - 1988 - Philosophia Mathematica (1):29-35.
  4.  14
    The study of partial differential equations of the first order in the 18th and 19th centuries.S. S. Demidov - 1982 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 26 (4):325-350.
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    Filosofskie problemy gosudarstva i prava: metodologicheskiĭ analiz politicheskogo znanii︠a︡.V. B. Ustʹi︠a︡nt︠s︡ev & A. I. Demidov (eds.) - 1988 - Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta.
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  6. Metodologicheskiĭ analiz zakonomernosteĭ razvitii︠a︡ matematiki.A. G. Barabashev, S. S. Demidov & M. I. Panov (eds.) - 1989 - Moskva: [S.N.].
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    Problém s obhajobou svobodné vůle za pomoci dat první osoby.Sergej Kish - 2022 - Filosofie Dnes 14 (1).
    Text obhajuje názor, že tzv. argumenty první osoby pro svobodnou vůli nesplňují vysoký epistemický standard, a proto není vhodné jimi dokazovat existenci svobody vůle. V první části je krátce uvedena problematika svobodné vůle a charakterizace skupiny důkazů, které její existenci obhajují odkazem na lidské prožívání svobodného rozhodování. V druhé části argumentu je vylíčeno, jak se idea svobodné vůle projevuje na každodenním lidském fungování a jaký má dopad na lidský blahobyt. Třetí část textu obhajuje tvrzení, že kvůli spojení svobodné vůle s (...)
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  8. Transt︠s︡endentalizm Kanta: ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ idei v zapadnoevropeĭskoĭ filosofii XIX-XX vv.F. D. Demidov - 2007 - Moskva: RAGS.
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  9. Transt︠s︡endentalʹnoe v metafizike Kanta: proekt︠s︡ii v sovremennostʹ.F. D. Demidov - 2003 - Moskva: RAGS.
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  10.  85
    Regularities and modern tendencies of the development of mathematics.A. G. Barabashev, S. S. Demidov & M. I. Panov - 1987 - Philosophia Mathematica (1):32-47.
  11.  23
    Social inequity and educational expansion in Slovenia.Sergej Flere & Miran Lavrič - 2005 - Educational Studies 31 (4):449-464.
    The study examines the relationship between social inequalities (stratificational, gender and other disparities) and schooling, including academic attainment, longitudinally, in Slovenia. The issue is indicated most clearly at the tertiary education level. The basic finding is the parallel between educational expansion and the diminution of social inequalities as measured by standard parameters. This was particularly evident in the 1990s. Inequalities are measured in terms of gender, parental education and occupation. The impact of parental education proves to be an indicative, observable (...)
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    Total War.Sergej Cvetkovski - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):391-426.
    Total war continues to be a topic of debate and research in modern conflicts.Technological inventions and the interconnectedness of the global community amplifythe effect of the consequences of warfare. We reexamine the totality of modern armedconflicts through an analysis of the achievement and level of destruction that pose newethical, legal and political challenges. The author answers the questions about: the deeppsychological and political implications that extend beyond the battlefield that transmitin depth and encompass the entire (global) society. We define total (...)
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  13.  71
    Karsavin as philosopher of personality.Sergej Horužij - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3):97-104.
    A brief outline of L.P.Karsavin's theory of personality is presented, which reconstructs the system of key concepts of this theory and traces its evolution through Karsavin's work. The system is analyzed in its relation to the two basic paradigms of European personalist thought, the anthropological paradigm developed in Western metaphysics, and the theological paradigm created by the Greek Church Fathers and practically not used in European philosophy. The conclusion is drawn that Karsavin's personalism returns gradually to the theological paradigm and (...)
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  14.  14
    Eksistenca literarnih likov in neverbalna motivacija v Sofoklovi tragediji.Brane Senegačnik & Sergej Valijev - 2022 - Clotho 4 (1):5-27.
    Ker nimamo avtorskih didaskalij, je celoten svet drame (vključno s psihično in materialno realnostjo) predstavljen izključno z besedami, ki jih govorijo dramski liki. Roman Ingarden imenuje takšen način predstavljanja shematična reprezentacija: na ta način predstavljeni predmeti so namreč samo skicirani, nešteta nedoločena mesta v njihovi predstavitvi vabijo bralca, da jih v procesu konkretizacije alirekonstrukcije zapolni z intelektualnimi in domišljijskimi operacijami in se pri tem opira na svoje znanje in izkušnje. Tako konkretizacijo kot rekonstrukcijo je treba ločevati od literarnega dela samega; (...)
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  15.  16
    Unruly Truth: On Parrhesia and/as Political Refusal.Sergej Seitz - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (1):31-36.
    This article employs Bonnie Honig’s concepts of refusal and intensification to conceptualize the ancient practice of ‘parrhesia’ as a form of conflictual, political truth-telling. This entails envisaging political truth-telling as an intense, agonal practice that does not establish unalterable foundations but takes part in world-building practices. To this end, I first reconstruct parrhesia as an agonistic practice of truth-telling. Against this background, I take up Honig’s concept of intensification to make sense of parrhesia’s intricate political stakes with reference to Euripides’s (...)
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  16.  65
    The Aporia of Justice: Constellations of Normativity in Honneth, Derrida, and Levinas.Sergej Seitz - 2021 - Levinas Studies 15:37-58.
    As Axel Honneth argues in his early essay “The Other of Justice,” Derrida and Levinas offer convincing arguments for offsetting practical philosophy’s traditional focus on justice with a focus on care. In Honneth, this leads to a strict dichotomy of justice (as equal treatment) and care (as singular responsibility). I show that Derrida and Levinas think of justice and responsibility not as dichotomic, but rather as aporetic. In all ethico-political conflicts, aspects of responsibility and justice are in play that are (...)
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  17.  11
    L'expérimentation philosophique et littéraire de la nature.Sergej Vladimirovič Panov - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'anthropobiologie esthétique du langage a découvert la nature dialogique de l'imagination : sa capacité à harmoniser le monde et la vie humaine en testant l'objectivité de ses créations à l'aune du bonheur auquel elles ouvrent l'accès. De Shakespeare à Duras, les temps modernes se sont facilité la tâche. Il suffisait à ces philosophes et à ces écrivains de s'approprier la prosopopée judéo-chrétienne pour expérimenter leurs résultats sur leur propre nature. Ils se dispensaient ainsi allègrement de juger l'objectivité de leurs innovations (...)
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  18.  41
    Moral Injury on the Front Lines of Truth: Encounters with Liminal Experience and the Transformation of Meaning.Barton Buechner, Sergej van Middendorp & Rik Spann - 2018 - Schutzian Research 10:51-84.
    Today’s fast-moving, media lifeworld embodies many of the metaphors of its analog predecessors – including those of warfare and conflict. The metaphor of warfare is used to describe everything from corporate marketing strategies to political campaigns, often with harmful consequences. In one way of exploring the front lines of the resulting war on truth, we describe some lessons learned from the experience of military veterans who have actually endured the liminality of combat, and who emerge with what is increasingly termed (...)
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  19.  12
    Eksistenca literarnih likov in neverbalna motivacija v Sofoklovi tragediji ter dramska klima.Brane Senegačnik & Sergej Valijev - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):7-25.
    Pričujoči članek obravnava vpliv dramske klime, v kateri se prepletajo zunanje in notranje okoliščine dramskega dogajanja, na odločitve, sodbe in ravnanja dramskih likov. To ponazarjava s primeroma iz Antigone in Trahink. V vzdušju povojnih Teb Ismena omahuje med strahom pred kaznijo in strahom pred božanskim srdom zaradi nepokopa Polinejka. Prav tako lahko vpliv dramske klime opazimo v Kreontovi spremembi odločitve glede Ismenine obsodbe na smrt. Posebno pozornost v članku dobi tudi zahtevno vprašanje atribucije verzov v Antigoni 572, 574 in 576, (...)
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  20.  39
    Sergei S. Demidov; Boris V. Lëvshin . The Case of Academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Luzin. Translated by Roger Cooke. xxix + 375 pp., illus., indexes. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2016. $59. [REVIEW]Slava Gerovitch - 2017 - Isis 108 (2):479-480.
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    A new anthropology: Sergej S. Khoružij’s search for an alternative to the Cartesian subject in Očerki sinergijnoj antropologii.Kristina Stöckl - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (3):237-245.
  22.  7
    Sex differences in emotional perception: Evidence from population of Tuvans.A. A. Mezentseva, V. V. Rostovtseva, K. I. Ananyeva, A. A. Demidov & M. L. Butovskaya - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Prior studies have reported that women outperform men in nonverbal communication, including the recognition of emotions through static facial expressions. In this experimental study, we investigated sex differences in the estimation of states of happiness, anger, fear, and disgust through static photographs using a two-culture approach. This study was conducted among the Tuvans and Mongolian people from Southern Siberia. The respondents were presented with a set of photographs of men and women of European and Tuvan origin and were asked to (...)
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  23.  13
    Sergej. P. Karpov. История трапезундской империи und Ιστορία της αυτοκρατορίας της Τραπεζούντας.Rudolf S. Stefec - 2018 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 111 (3):813-815.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 111 Heft: 3 Seiten: 813-815.
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    Radical sophiology: Fr. Sergej Bulgakov and John Milbank on Augustine. [REVIEW]David J. Dunn - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (3-4):227-249.
    Looking at John Milbank's recent turn to Fr. Sergej Bulgakov, this paper argues that the theological and philosophical commitments they share are overshadowed by a deeper difference concerning the role each assigns the church in secular culture. It turns to Milbank's roots in Augustine's philosophy of history, which he argues could have allowed the church to overtake the pagan (which founds the secular) were it not for his distinction between the "visible" church and its deferred (eschatological) perfection. Bulgakov also (...)
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  25.  67
    Sergej N. Trubetskoj and the concept of “Subject” in the history of Russian thought.Nikolaj Plotnikov - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3):197-208.
    The basic tendencies in the conceptual history of the 'subject' within Russian intellectual history are presented. This backgrounds a closer analysis of S. Trubetskoj's concept of 'conciliar consciousness', including the problems and aporiae connected with it. It will be shown that and how this conception depends on assumptions from prekantian metaphysics and therefore ignores the Kantian account of subjectivity.
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    Bulgakov’s sophiology: towards an Orthodox economic theological engagement with the modern world.Josephien Hj van Kessel - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (3-4):251-267.
    Contemporary scholarship interprets Sergej Bulgakov’s sophiology as an engagement of Orthodox theology with the modern world and as being on its way to becoming a political theology. In this paper I undertake a re-evaluation of the kind of engagement sophiology was and was intended to be, and of the kind of world it was destined for. It will be argued that sophiology was not so much a political-theological engagement with the world concentrating on the relation of religion and politics (...)
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  27.  29
    Bulgakov's sophiology as philosopheme: non-ontology and ontogenesis.Myroslav Feodosijeviè Hryschko - 2010 - Trans/Form/Ação 33 (1):203-224.
    The text examines Sergej Nikolajeviè Bulgakov's description of the philosopheme as thoroughly "immanent" and the corollary that such immanence necessarily excludes the problematic of the "creation of the world." Because of this resolute immanence and the notion that the creation of the world in the form of creatio ex nihilo requires a non-immanent or non-ontological thought and concept, the problematic for Bulgakov is approached only by a theologeme. Appropriating this argument as material for a cursory philosopheme, the text attempts (...)
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  28.  60
    Bulgakov's sophiology: towards an Orthodox economic theological engagement with the modern world. [REVIEW]Josephien H. J. Kessel - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (3-4):251-267.
    Contemporary scholarship interprets Sergej Bulgakov's sophiology as an engagement of Orthodox theology with the modern world and as being on its way to becoming a political theology. In this paper I undertake a re-evaluation of the kind of engagement sophiology was and was intended to be, and of the kind of world it was destined for. It will be argued that sophiology was not so much a political-theological engagement with the world concentrating on the relation of religion and politics (...)
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  29.  72
    Different concepts of personality: Nikolaj Berdjaev and Sergej Bulgakov. [REVIEW]Regula M. Zwahlen - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (3-4):183-204.
    The main concern of both Berdjaev's and Bulgakov's philosophical strivings consists in developing a concept of the person as the foundation of human dignity and creativity within a Christian world view. Once attracted by Marxism with its emphasis on human dignity and social justice, they started to struggle against Marxism's atheist materialism because of its lack of a concept of person. However, the same concern will lead both thinkers down very different paths with different consequences. This paper argues that, even (...)
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  30.  46
    What’s in God’s name: literary forerunners and philosophical allies of the imjaslavie debate. [REVIEW]Nel Grillaert - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (3-4):163-181.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the interaction between a tradition that belongs originally to the realm of orthodox contemplative monasticism (i.e., hesychasm) and nineteenth-and early twentieth-century Russian intellectuals. In the first part, this paper will explore how hesychasm gradually penetrated nineteenthcentury secular culture; a special focus will be on the hermitage of Optina Pustyn' and its renowned elders, as well as their appeal to members of the Optina-intelligentsia, especially Fëdor Dostoevskij. Then, attention will shift to the imjaslavie (...)
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  31.  76
    Antinomism, trinity and the challenge of Solov’ëvan pantheism in the theology of Sergij Bulgakov.Brandon Gallaher - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (3-4):205-225.
    The paper argues that Sergej Bulgakov's sophiology was an attempt, via antinomism or the philosophy of antinomies, to overcome the rationalism, monism, and determinism (in a word, "pantheism") of Vladimir Solov'ëv's philosophy of the Absolute understood as an abstract Trinitarianism. After detailing Solov'ëv's thought on the Trinity and Bulgakov's criticisms of it, the study then describes Bulgakov's antinomism and its application to the doctrine of God. However, it is contended that Bulgakov's antinomism ultimately falls into the same problems with (...)
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  32. Konstantin Ljevin: Usamljeni intelektualac.Irina Deretic - 2024 - In Slobodan Kanjevac, Zbornik Kruševačke filozofsko-književne škole. Kruševac: pp. 75-82.
    In this analysis, I will delve into the ethical and philosophical concepts associated with Konstantin Levin, a prominent literary figure in Leo Tolstoy's renowned work,* Anna Karenina*. The examination will entail a comparative study of two distinct forms of intellectuals: Sergej Ivanovich, who is actively engaged in aristocratic spheres, and Levin, who maintains a deliberate distance from such political and public involvement. Levin's pursuits center on a meticulously planned overhaul of his economy, prioritizing the welfare of the peasantry. Furthermore, (...)
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  33. A sofiologia de Bulgakov como filosofema: não-ontologia e ontogênese.Myroslav Feodosijeviè Hryschko - 2010 - Trans/Form/Ação 33 (1).
    The text examines Sergej Nikolajeviè Bulgakov’s description of the philosopheme as thoroughly “immanent” (viz., the immanence of man qua being, such that ontology in Bulgakov becomes a conceptual analogue for immanence) and the corollary that such immanence necessarily excludes the problematic of the “creation of the world.” Because of this resolute immanence and the notion that the creation of the world in the form of creatio ex nihilo requires a non-immanent or nonontological thought and concept, the problematic for Bulgakov (...)
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  34.  73
    Russian Philosophers on Continuous Creation as the Basis for Social Change.Katharina Breckner - 2006 - Studies in East European Thought 58 (4):271-297.
    Vladimir Solov’ëv, Sergej Bulgakov, Nikolaj Berdjaev, and Semën Frank shared the conviction that Creation is incomplete: humanity must arrive at organizing social life on an “eighth day.” Thus they prophesied the Universal Church, “social Christianity,” “personalist socialism,” and “spiritual democracy.” Their attempt to avoid any illegitimate confusion between independent rational thought and Christian faith prompted Bulgakov to become an ordained theologian, Berdjaev a “philosophical poet,” and Frank a “Christian realist.” Solov’ëv’s theosophical attempt to philosophically substantiate faith and consequently eschatological (...)
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    Vladimir Solov’ev and the Knighthood of the Divine Sophia.Samuel Cioran - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Press.
    At the turn of the century an intimate alliance of philosophers, poets and theologians discovered the incarnation of their aspirations for a spiritually transformed world in the symbol of Sophia, the Divine Wisdom of God. Under her various aliases as the Divine Feminine, the Wisdom Clothed in the Sun and the Beautiful Lady, this feminine archetype usurped the traditional role of Christ as the mediator between heaven and earth. She was, however, primarily the inspiration of the Russian philosopher-poet, Vladimir Solov’ev (...)
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  36.  9
    A Teacher's Last Instruction:" Love Each Other or Die".S. Holly Stocking - 2003 - In Howard Good, Desperately seeking ethics: a guide to media conduct. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 1.
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    Evil animes and Honorable Ruptures: Reading Gabriel García Márquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera through a Public Health Humanities Lens.S. A. Larson - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (4):533-545.
    Extent health humanities readings of Gabriel García Márquez’s _Love in the Time of Cholera_ have focused on the doctor-patient relationship, the physician-scientist as a model for aspiring practitioners, and how individuals relate to the novel’s health themes of death, disease, and disability. However, such medicine-focused readings neglect the population-level public health concerns of the novel as they relate to contagion, community, and quarantine. This paper contributes to the growing field of public health humanities by using a close reading method to (...)
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  38. Frane Petric's Commentary on Petrarch.S. Roic - 1996 - Synthesis Philosophica 11:399-408.
  39.  19
    Reference in Anselm's Ontological Proof.S. K. Wertz - 1990 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 7 (2):143 - 157.
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    Hegel and the Sciences, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of science, Vol. 64 Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1984. R. S. Cohen.S. N. Balagangadhara - 1985 - Philosophica 35.
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  41. Pisʹma o russkom ėkzistent︠s︡ializme.N. K. Bonet︠s︡kai︠a︡ - 2021 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  42.  84
    Sergei Hessen, neo-Kantian dedicated to professor Andrzej Walicki.Marek Styczyński - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (1):55-71.
    This paper commemorates thepresentation of the honorary doctorate, in May2001 by the University of ód, toProfessor Andrzej Walicki. On this occasion,the Honorary Graduate delivered a lecturedevoted to his first philosophy teacher –Sergej Iosifovich Hessen, a prominent RussianNeo-Kantian philosopher and a liberal inmatters social and political. I try to analyzethe main features of Hessen''s philosophicalneo-Kantianism, in particular the inevitabilityof a choice between the absolute and therelative both in epistemology and in ethics inthe context of contemporary philosophy.
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  43. Filosofii︠a︡ i metodologii︠a︡ nauki: materialy vserossiĭskoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Ulʹi︠a︡novsk, 15-17 ii︠u︡ni︠a︡ 2011.N. G. Baranet︠s︡ & A. B. Verevkin (eds.) - 2011 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: Izdatelʹ Kachalin Aleksandr Vasilʹevich.
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  44. Nravstvennyĭ postupok i ego ot︠s︡enka.Grigoriĭ Nikolaevich Gumnit︠s︡kiĭ - 1978 - Moskva: Znanie.
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  45. (1 other version)The "Unhappy Consciousness" And Conscious Unhappiness: On Adorno's Critique Of Hegel And The Idea Of A Hegelian Critique Of Adorno.S. Jarvis - 1994 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 29:71-88.
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  46.  14
    Chapter six. Philosopher as parrhe¯siaste¯s.S. Sara Monoson - 2000 - In Susan Sara Monoson, Plato’s Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 154-180.
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  47. Maẓāhir al-fikr al-ʻaqlānī fī al-thaqāfah al-Maghāribīyah al-qadīmah: dirāsah fī tārīkh al-ʻulūm al-ṣūrīyah wa-taṭbīqātihā.Bin Mīs & ʻAbd al-Salām - 2005 - Rabat: Editions IDGL.
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    Moralʹ i politika v kontekste dukhovnykh i intellektualʹnykh tradit︠s︡iĭ: Monografii︠a︡.S. A. Nizhnikov - 2015 - Moskva: Infra-M.
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    Frazeosemanticheskoe pole "Trudovai︠a︡ dei︠a︡telʹnostʹ cheloveka" kak semanticheskiĭ klass frazeologicheskoĭ sistemy: na materiale sovremennogo frant︠s︡uzskogo i︠a︡zyka: monografii︠a︡.S. B. Okhapkina - 2009 - I︠a︡roslavlʹ: I︠A︡roslavskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ universitet im. K.D. Ushinskogo.
    Монография предназначена студентам старших курсов высших учебных заведений факультета иностранных языков, аспирантам и преподавателям.
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    Ḥāshīyat al-ʻAllāmah al-Ṣabbān ʻalá sharḥ al-ʻAllāmah al-Mullawī ʻalá al-Sullam al-munuwraq fī ʻilm al-manṭiq.Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Ṣabbān - 2015 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Baṣāʼir. Edited by Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Mullawī.
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